Prix : 200,00 € baba ismail
24-08-23 19 Vues

Welcome to Size Up !! Whether you are looking to add length or girth size to your penis or if you would like to improve your erection power, help premature ejaculation or straighten a curved penis then this Size Up system is for you. How Does Penis Enlargement Work? Let's be honest, every man wants a larger, healthier penis. Penis Enlargement is not that complicated to understand. The penis' main function is to enlarge, this process happens when we get an erection. Enlarging this organ that has a main function to enlarge is not as complicated as it may appear. The penis has three main chambers: two larger ones on top and one smaller chamber on the bottom. The medical terms for these chambers are: (Corpora Cavernosa) and (Corpus Spongiosum). When you get an erection, blood fills these chambers. The main blood holding tissue is the Corpora Cavernosa. Your penis size is determined by the amount of expansion that occurs within this cavity. Once the maximum is reached, you are at full erection. This is where our program can benefit you. The tissue in this chamber can be safely increased in size, to improve your penis size and we show you how. We deliver worldwide


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