Prix : 1 200,00 € Baba Gipiri
09-04-24 9 Vues

Powerful African witch


The Best Traditional Healer & Spells Caster 
If you are reading this, it means you have been directed to me. I may not be the instant fix to your life problems however, I will surely be your best solution. I have been blessed to help people who get stuck in life no matter at wat phrase or stage and give the best solution to my level best. I value all my clients and that is why I have worked with very many people all over the world.
Call to get in touch

I can answer all your questions about love, relationships, money, spiritual healing, binding spells, job attractions/career, Getting success in politics, sports, recover debts and lost property, Land issues, erectile dysfunction. Low libido and more including breaking curses / Jinns / evil spirits. you have the best traditional spell caster with you, I have been offering different types of services to individuals in kissi where I learned this work and mostly in Uganda but currently I am in Nairobi Kenya most of my time, let me assist you with jumping in a good shape of life using my powerful ancestral spells as a guide. Get protection against witchcraft/evil spirits and stop your partner from drinking or smoking. If you wish to officially meet me for a probably sensitive case then call me and arrange to meet me in Nakuru Railways

About my services
I don't Kill thieves but I make them walk to you with the stolen things or be stranded in your shamba or house. Trust me when I tell you that, no matter what phase of life you are or situation you are stuck in, I will surely be your best guide all you need is just a little assistance different approach and a good plan. Allow me SHABA to help you
Best traditional healer & A spell caster in Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania
Binding spells

Binding spells are of different kinds and can be used for different purposes, this include binding spells which could bring fourth your greatest desire, binding love spells for devotion among others which you may request for including protection against binding spells 

Your Perfect Marriage
marriage spells and fix a sexual problem men & women

Curious about marriage and want to give your self fully and live the rest of your life with someone special? Or maybe the person has turned you down? Dr SHABA will cast a love spell for your lover to accept you, be committed to you and give you a good start for your marriage, and if combined with a faithful binding spell it could lead to a happy marriage

Exorcism of evil spirits

Dr SHABA is a professional having dealt with exorcism issues successfully for over a decade now. the leading expert with ability average to your witch doctor

Job Attraction Spell

If you are in a worse situation, you don't have a job and looking for money, then this is the best money spell that I will cast for you, many people come to realize opportunities through a friend, a news paper, or apply for somewhere and many times a sudden luck which is usually within a day or two days of casting this money spell.

Income spells

this usually works in two different ways 

Getting a sudden unexpected promotion in the same company where you are working earning a lot of money than before  

Moving to a different company but a better position earning a lot of money with your position

Best Business Spells
Business start-up a business

Dr SHABA will also get you through with a psychic ability to identify products and services that people are willing to trade and pay money for. Business planning ideas, processes, Business operations and Business Openings. His powerful business spells will attract customers to your different ventures and make you earn a lot of money and more from powerful witch doctor SHABA

Business money spell & business protection spell

My Business spells will solve your business money problems if your are struggling with debts, banishing your competitors, shield your clients and protect your business against evil forces and bad curses


during my life time in Wanga Hills Samiya and partly in Gulu South Africa I learned that nothing is impossible and that you can fight back your lost love / recover anything you lost even while silent, so stop sobbing for love because I have the strongest love spell that brings back your lost lover, wife or anyone you feel is far from you in less than two hours. for me to fight this battle for you it deosn't require much in terms of money, time or anything instead it will just be upon you to actually decide what gift you will intend to bless me with. The love spell that I cast is not a forced love spell as you may think but rather a happy love spell that any other person will really admire no matter the age, tribe, religion or even the race CALL OR WHATSAP +27781103436 IN SOUTH AFRICA, KENYA, IRAN, IRAQ, SAUDI ARABIA, MEXICO, USA, ZIMBABWE, ZAMBIA, BOTSWANA, NAMIBIA, MAPUTO, TANZANIA, PIETERMARITZBURG, NORWAY, JOHANNESBURG, NEWCASTLE, GEORGE, CAPETOWN, RUSTENBURG, EASTLONDON, ALICE, GR AHAMSOWN, KINGWILLIAM'S TOWN, QWAQWA, BLOEMFONTEIN, WELKOM, MODIMOLLE, BELABELA, LEPHALALE, VAALWATER, NORTHAM, COFIMVABA, HERMANUS, HUMANDORP, KRUGER'SDROP, RICHARD'SBAY, EMPANGENI, GERMISTONE, SANDTON, FOURWAYS, RANDBURG, ALBERTON, 

220 long market street

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