Prix : 100,00 € mamalumanyo
31-10-22 21 Vues


Mama's Magic Ring: This Ring has a powerful red stone and infused with Mama.Lumanyo”s holy rituals (holy powers) and it came along by the fore fathers to perform miracles and fore tell the future as well as healing the sick .This ring will give you fame, money, wealth & powers to perform miracles and prophesy if you are a pastor or religious leader, this ring is the most selling ring across the continent of AFRICA, because it has helped many pastors and church leaders to fulfill their dreams and to grow their ministries,

the ring has the powers to draw important people in the church including government officials and it gives you the powers to perform miracles and wonders, it gives you the inner eye to foretell the future and the things happening to people around you, it gives you fame and wealthy.

if your ministry/ church has been crippled for years and is not growing , just make a phone call and order for this ring it will help you achieve your dreams and goals in your ministerial journey and without living the amazing miracle water.

You can call/whatsapp MAMA LUMANYO on +27634531308



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