10-10-23 58 Vues

This field focuses on protecting computer systems, networks, and data from theft, damage, or unauthorized access.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): VR creates a completely immersive virtual environment, while AR overlays digital content onto the real world.

Big Data: Big data involves managing and analyzing large and complex data sets to extract valuable insights and information.

Robotics: Robotics involves the design, construction, operation, and use of robots for various applications, from manufacturing to healthcare.

Biotechnology: This field combines biology and technology, leading to innovations such as genetic engineering, gene therapy, and pharmaceuticals.

Clean Energy: This includes technologies related to renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, as well as energy storage solutions.

Mobile Technology: Mobile technology covers the development and use of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, as well as mobile applications.https://boyntech.com/

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